Each House in the West Campus House System has a one bedroom guest suite that is reserved for use by the House Professor-Dean. We are interested in guests who want to engage our community and are involved in something of interest to our residents. Therefore, an expectation of all guests is a planned interaction with members of the House. This can be done in a variety of ways - a performance, lecture, workshop, shared meal, for example, or through a less formal but engaging discussion around an area of expertise and interest.
- Date of proposed stay
- How the guest will engage with House residents
- Short bio of the guest
- Photo of the guest (if your guest is offered accommodations)
Complete this form to submit a request to use the guest suite. For other inquiries regarding the guest suite, contact the House Administrative Coordinator:
Carrie Sipe, House Administrative Coordinator
Image on Right: Conversation at Keeton with Guest-in-Residence Alex Taylor, April 2016

Past guests have included:
- Tarleton Gillespie, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New England
- Rebekka Kricheldorf, Playwright
- Dr. Warren Kinghorn, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Duke University Medical School, staff psychiatrist at the Durham VA Medical Center in Durham, NC.
- Karen Schnelwar, VP of Global Brand Strategy and Marketing at OXO
- Pablo Boczkowski, Professor in the Department of Communication Studies, and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Media and Society in Argentina
- Rita Bunatal, Founder of Malaika Apparel
- Darsono Hadiraharjo, Musician, Traditional Javanese Klenèngan
- Suzanne Simonetta, Director of the Divison of Policy, Legislation, and Regulations in the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor
- Dena Simmons, Assistant Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and an Associate Research Scientist at Yale Child Study Center
- Dan Cohen, Academy Award-nominated movie producer
- Susanne Simonetta, Director of the Division of Policy, Legislation, and Regulations in the Employment and Training Administration in the U.S. Department of Labor
- Thomas Finholt, Professor and Dean of the University of Michigan School of Information
- Bill Keeton, Professor of Forest Ecology and Forestry at the University of Vermont’s (UVM) Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, son of William Keeton
- Esteban Kelly, Co-Executive Director for the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives
- Alex Taylor, Microsoft Research, Cambridge UK
- Dr. Stefano Poni, Grapevine Physiologist from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Italy
- Jessica Minhas, Human Rights Advocate, Author, Social Entrepreneur, and Media Commentator
- Nancy Bercaw, Museum Curator at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History
- Bruno Latour, A.D. White Professor-at-Large, French philosopher, anthropologist, and sociologist
- Divya Gugnani, Author and Entrepreneur
- Dr. Charles Midega, Senior Research Scientist at International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Kenya
- Judy Wajcman, London School of Economics
- Marcel Dicke, Professor of Entomology at Wageningen University, Netherlands
- Danez Smith, 2011 Individual World Poetry Slam finalist
- Dr. Lazare Sebitereko, Director and Founder of Eben Ezer University in DR Congo
- David Greenman '00, Actor and producer
- Mathis Wackernagel, President of Global Footprint Network, Frank H.T. Rhodes Class of '56 Professor
- Peni Chandra Rini, Indonesian composer, songwriter and singer
- Ramaswami Balasubramaniam, Frank H.T. Rhodes Class of '56 Professor, development activist, social innovator
- Michael Wesch, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Kansas State University
- Charlotte O'Neal 'Mama C', Musician of African beats, hip hop and poetry
- Carol Rattray '78, Cofounder of zoomdojo.com
- Ken Saji '92, Vice President and Editorial Director at MTV Networks
- Ericka Huggins, Human rights activist, poet, teacher, former Black Panther leader and political prisoner, Professor of Sociology, Laney College
- Spencer Wells, Rhodes H.T. Class of '56 Professor, Explorer-in-Residence for The National Geographic Society
- Lenelle Moise, Award-winning poet, playwright and musician
- Harris Tulchin '74, Veteran entertainment industry attorney
- Joan Walsh, American editor, writer, blogger and editor-in-chief for Salon.com
- Mirari Brass Quintet
- Momenta Quintet
- Arun Chaudhary '97, 2009 Irik Sevin Fellow, documentarian, first official videographer of the White House
- Sergio Fajardo Valderrama, Mayor of Medellin Colombia
- Loo Sze-Wang, Sheng performer
- Temple Grandin, Colorado State University professor, autism advocate, and livestock expert
- Henry Threadgill, American composer, saxophonist
- Sarah Horowitz, Founder of Working Today, labor attorney, union organizer