Room Reservation Request

Room Reservation Request

Residents may request to reserve the following rooms: 

  • Common Room (when Dining is not using it) 
  • Conference Room
  • Dining Hall (for approved House Programs)
  • Seminar Room
  • TV Room    

To reserve a room, please contact the Administrative Coordinator at Requests take as long as 48 hours to review. You will be notified by email. 


All policies around room reservation remain operable unless special permission is granted by the Administrative Coordinator. These policies do not affect approved House Programs. However, all other inquiries and requests must be communicated to the House Administrative Coordinator. 

  • Residents may not reserve study rooms or the library at any time.
  • Residents may only reserve the Seminar Room and Conference Room from 9:00AM-6:00PM.
  • Residents may not reserve any room for multiple events (i.e. a meeting that takes place every week or once a month) for more than 1-month. If you are interested in reserving a room beyond 1-month, you must renew your request and it must be approved by the Administrative Coordinator.